Sabrina Assenheimer

Master thesis defense, September 24 2024

CelluXtreme is proud to announce that Sabrina Assenheimer has successfully presented her Master’s thesis. We congratulate her on her outstanding work. Sabrina pursued her Master’s in Material Science and Engineering with focus on Composite Manufacturing at Saarland University in Germany and came to Stockholm to investigate CelluXtreme’s composite structure under the co-supervision of Malin Åkermo at KTH’s Lightweight Structure Department.

“When Malin offered me this thesis project, I really liked the combination of my interests: composite materials and sustainability!”, says Sabrina. At CelluXtreme, we couldn’t be happier of that. Sabrina quickly took the lead on the CelluXtreme composite investigation, spearheading the project with precision and thoroughness.

”It was a great exploratory work and there are so many potential applications,” Sabrina emphasizes. ”Functionality and sustainability of composites are development directions of the industry. Understanding that CelluXtreme’s nanocellulose-based fibres are chemically interacting with the matrix and appear naturally sized, not needing chemical treatment opens the opportunity for greener composite production.” These findings of Sabrina were also presented to the international community at the European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21) in Nantes, 2024. Sabrina’s work at CelluXtreme is ongoing. She joined our team to develop composite solutions and demonstrate the materials’ performance properties (see her profile).

Read more about our materials sustainability here (link) and inquire for details.

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